Thursday, December 9, 2010
Friday, December 3, 2010
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
New system of Chemical Philosophy
Various atoms and molecules as depicted in John Dalton's A New System of Chemical Philosophy (1808).
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Monday, September 27, 2010
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Sunday, August 15, 2010
Radio Lab Numbers
Radio Lab featured a story on mathematician Paul Erdos. He was a lonely child who taught himself math. Like Newton, he came up with his work in solitude. Newton had a wonderful year, Annus Mirabilis. in 1666, he worked on his theories alone away from Cambridge because it was evacuated due to the plague.
Radio Lab featured a story on mathematician Paul Erdos. He was a lonely child who taught himself math. Like Newton, he came up with his work in solitude. Newton had a wonderful year, Annus Mirabilis. in 1666, he worked on his theories alone away from Cambridge because it was evacuated due to the plague.
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
Is God a Mathematician?
The earth travels some 900 miles per hour.
'The world doesn't stand still. Most things around us are either in motion or continuously changing. Even the seemingly firm Earth underneath our feet are in fact spinning around its axis, revolving around the Sun, and traveling (together with the Sun) around the center of our Milky Way galaxy. The air we breathe is composed of trillions of molecules that move ceaselessly and randomly.' p. 119.
Some notes from his interview on Speaking of Faith.
Imagenary number is invented but it became to describe physical phenomina.
Roger Penrose physical world conscious mind was able to reach math. Then math describe back to physical world.
Symetry bi lateral symetry math symetry under translation. music music repeats itself. describes something and it does not change. madam i'm adam. symetry back to front. group theory describes all of these symetries.
Thursday, May 27, 2010
The Top-Hat Confederacy
I just learned how to do panoramic photomerge in photoshop. It came in handy for this shot of the Top-Hat Confederacy. Check out their video.
Tips and tricks for photomerge:
Sunday, May 23, 2010
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Wiki Math
An interesting and some what related to the Factor Theorem.
Even Odd function:
Function Composition:
Fundamental Theorem of Algebra:
Carl Friedrich Gauss was one of the contributor to the theory.
Even Odd function:
Function Composition:
Fundamental Theorem of Algebra:
Carl Friedrich Gauss was one of the contributor to the theory.
Sunday, May 16, 2010
Saturday, May 15, 2010
T Mask Orchid H
This is a combination of Surreal Surreal and daguerreotype that I did for Art 119. PSU. Instructor is V.
Thursday, May 13, 2010
The Joy of Tex
Math formulas has a lot of text and symbols. Michael Spivak wrote about it.
Math formulas has a lot of text and symbols. Michael Spivak wrote about it.
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
(above) Fibonaccis's Dream by Martina Schettina does some work with math in her paintings.
(Below) 'Golden Pentagram'
A classmate from art119, Jesse Pollard did a flash animation about Fibonaccis squares
Monday, May 10, 2010
Take Five
I did some animation for my art119 class. The idea was to play with the star shape because it has five points. I was also timing the animation so that the frames would end or start at 5 sequence such as 5 10 20 100 etc.
Having done the shape, I researched to find that the star contains the Golden ratio in the triangle pieces. I can see something special it this shape. The star contains a pentagram at the center and also if the points of the stars are connected with a line then a pentagram is at the outside of the star. The outside pentagram is twice as bigger then the inner pentagram and inverse.
I did some animation for my art119 class. The idea was to play with the star shape because it has five points. I was also timing the animation so that the frames would end or start at 5 sequence such as 5 10 20 100 etc.
Having done the shape, I researched to find that the star contains the Golden ratio in the triangle pieces. I can see something special it this shape. The star contains a pentagram at the center and also if the points of the stars are connected with a line then a pentagram is at the outside of the star. The outside pentagram is twice as bigger then the inner pentagram and inverse.
The star shape is also a fractal.
Thursday, May 6, 2010
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
broken USB flash drive
Man! I'm so mad. The USB flash drive broken down on me. I was not able to retrieve the flash animation assign for Art119. Luckily, I saved the work before at my class computer. However, I lost some of the new work done over the weekend. I've learn my lesson. Apparently, this is a common occurrence. The higher the gig capacity, the more chance it's going to malfunction. I had a 64mb flash drive that was in my pants pocket which went through the wash cycle and the dry cycle. To my amazement, I was able to retrieve my files. I guess I need to save it first to the desktop and then back it up on an other drive.
I did a search for recovery and some other forums. Tom's Hardware Forum recommends this website:
Man! I'm so mad. The USB flash drive broken down on me. I was not able to retrieve the flash animation assign for Art119. Luckily, I saved the work before at my class computer. However, I lost some of the new work done over the weekend. I've learn my lesson. Apparently, this is a common occurrence. The higher the gig capacity, the more chance it's going to malfunction. I had a 64mb flash drive that was in my pants pocket which went through the wash cycle and the dry cycle. To my amazement, I was able to retrieve my files. I guess I need to save it first to the desktop and then back it up on an other drive.
I did a search for recovery and some other forums. Tom's Hardware Forum recommends this website:
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Thursday, April 15, 2010
The Professor
The link above is Oregon poet Shiandel Beers interview with the translator. We are studying imaginary numbers. I also ran into this imaginary number in the book 'The Professor and the House Keeper". The professor wrote down e to the power of pie times i + 1 = 0. e stands for Eurler's constant. The Professor speaks about looking into 'God's Notebook'. The professor specializes in prime numbers. He talks about twin primes. One of the problem he gave to the boy is to add from the number 1 to number 10. This adds up 55. Then he has a formula for this with out having to add every number. You can do this for 1 to 100. The formula:
The Professor mentions an amicable number. The first few amicable pairs are: (220, 284) Amicable numbers are two different numbers so related that the sum of the proper divisors of each is equal to the other. (A proper divisor of a number is a positive integer divisor other than the number itself. 10x10+1divided by 2 = 55; 100x101/2= 5050; 1000 x 1001 divided by 2 = 500500. The formula is n x n+1 divided by 2.
update: 6.2.10 found the person who discovered the number series that was illustrated in the book 'The Housekeeper and the Professor'.
Another famous story has it that in primary school his teacher, J.G. Büttner, tried to occupy pupils by making them add a list of integers in arithmetic progression; as the story is most often told, these were the numbers from 1 to 100. The young Gauss reputedly produced the correct answer within seconds, to the astonishment of his teacher and his assistant Martin Bartels.
Gauss's presumed method was to realize that pairwise addition of terms from opposite ends of the list yielded identical intermediate sums: 1 + 100 = 101, 2 + 99 = 101, 3 + 98 = 101, and so on, for a total sum of 50 × 101 = 5050. However, the details of the story are at best uncertain (see [6] for discussion of the original Wolfgang Sartorius von Waltershausen source and the changes in other versions); some authors, such as Joseph Rotman in his book A first course in Abstract Algebra, question whether it ever happened. - wikipeia.
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Monday, April 12, 2010
Fashion Monthly
It's fun documenting some of my clothes. I started doing this because I've missed the pair of jean that was thrown away, a Banana Republic t-shirt, and the Ruff-Hewn plaid shirt that mysteriously went missing. there was a shop on University street in Eugene call 'Tiger in the Rain'. The proprietor would play that 'Tiger in the Rain' song by Michael Franks almost on a loop. I bought a pair of plaid shorts there that was made in India. It was a simple pair of boxer and the most expensive boxer I had own. Sadly, the shop closed the following year.
Hm...some good title might be 'Out of the Closet'?
Because I'm taking math this term and also graphic design class, I wanted to post some stuff about Mathematician who are also artist / designers:
Simon Page: Mathematician / Graphic designer. I can see clearly how Simon uses math in his design. With Michael's work, not so much. Maybe it's because Michael is using higher math.
How does your math background influence your designs?
I think maths has inspired me hugely and influenced more geometric designs than I probably would of created otherwise. I also think a lot of artists, like myself, subliminally
use mathematics in their creations - such as the golden ratio for creating eye
candy layout designs. I find it very satisfying getting mathematically
correct proportions when designing something like a logo, for example. But for
me the main connection between math and design is pure and simple, it’s
geometry. The golden ratio is probably one of the most popular examples of math
and design coming together but look back at the works of Leonardo Da Vinci, for
instance, he used mathematics all the time in his art. I also believe some of
the best designers work with math, in a number of aspects, even though they
probably do it completely subconsciously.
for the rest of the interview is here.
Michael Schultheis is an artist represented by Portland gallery Aguen:
Sunday, April 11, 2010
Target Jasper Johns
Saturday, April 10, 2010
Friday, April 9, 2010
Thursday, April 8, 2010

This is one of my old paintings done on mylar.
Just got back from class ART119 and was asked to submit a blog for a class. So here it is! This blog is dusted off the shelf and revived.
Some notes from Flash: f6 creates frame, shift f5 deletes frame, f5 extends frame, right click on time line. 12 fps is the standar, command shift 3 or 4 is screen capture.
import music to library, sync to stream in properties. When file is published, it becomes .swf.
Thursday, April 1, 2010
Art 100
Tonight I went to see two different works. Jame Lavadour and JuliaMangold. The galleries, PDX Contemporary and Elizabeth Leach, were next to each other. Their works are different and also similar. Lavadour's abstract landscapes seems like a shamanic vision after a strong peyote trip. The vast spaces created with a subtle mix of bright color that are layered with pure neon unmixed colors and lines. The toxic color seems to have flatten the space and yet adds depth because of the layering. Some of the pieces are explosions from a volcano against the misty haze of distant land. There are sharp depth of field and jagged mountains. The shapes seems to come purer in it's abstraction where as a realistic or photographic depiction of the landscape would have organically rounded off the geometries. Despite the strong tone, the whole body of work seems to stay with a certain strong palette. A comparison could be made to Cezanne's cubist rendering of the landscape, reducing the mountain mass into flatten shapes. Cezanne's landscapes are more cubic then Lavadors. If Julia Mangold painted a landscape, it would be more a keen to Cezanne then Lavadour.
Then there is the austere work of Julia Mangold. She stays with in a certain tone yet still manage to produce an illusion of space. Her palette is black against the gallery's white wall. Her work contains a certain purity and religious tones. Her vision is also shamanic, though more hermetic and monastic, less gregarious then Lavadour's, though no less powerful. The work hungs on the wall as sculpture and painting at the same time. The more successful compositions are the pure square, almost cubes. Lavadour's forms and lines are organic becoming geometric and Julia Mangolds forms are geometric becoming organic. The lights cast ghostly shadows, light grays angels beneath the cube pieces hanging on the wall. Lavadors are panels that protrude slightly off the wall where as Julia's form extend from the wall and into the space of the viewer and room. In a way, Lavadour's work is minimal and flat. There are few colors within the painting and few shapes in the volcabulary. These issues, these tools are more distinct in Julia's work. Julia also has some pieces that are on a flat plane. They too are dimensionally projecting. The layers of transparency and space is perhaps most similar to Lavadour's paintings. They seem to be layers up on layers of vellum sheets, the top sheet has a slight curve at the top that shows how the pieces were constructed. They are also restricted to pure platonic shapes, like her sculptures. Their layering seems more apparent and constructed where as Lavadour's veils are hazing the mountain peaks beyond in mists. Lavadour rejoice in the un-ruliness, Julia reveal in the restraint.
The volumes bisected by the white lines that are between the rectangular shapes. Their forms create another shape casted by the gallery light. There are groupings of three square. Each is carefully constructed to bring out the proportions. For example, the smaller square groups has more depth and become more cube like in their volumes while the larger square groupings have flatter depth. This choice seems to be congruent with the way we perceive space and how we measure our body against the work. There were more obvious sculptural pieces as objects on the floor. The volumes, boxes lay flush against each other at times and then protrude no more then half an inch beyond each other. There seems to be a game, a consistency. For example, the horizontal lines between the space of the wall pieces are less then half an inch. There are limitations in dimension to create implied lines. The vertical wall pieces seem less successful and radically different from the implied square. It's not the unruliness's of the dimension that makes them alien to the square composition, it's their departure from the square that creates such a jarring affect. Though they are of the same color of black that unites the pieces, it is the geometry that makes them different and seem to belong to another artist. In the back of the gallery are the prints of Donald Judd. Only two are in black and white. Though they are lines, the black and white twins demonstrate the minimalist technique of varying only a few lines to make a slight but totally different space. It is no accident that the two are shown together. Julia works in the same line as Judd and even her last name Mangold recalls another minimalist, Robert Mangold. I shook her hands but did not ask her if she is related to Robert. Her work certainly carries the line and field color of Robert in shape but not color. It reminds me of Frank Stella's black and white prints and his radical departure in sculpture of metallic french curves protruding from the wall. I would have expected Frank Stella's work to be more like Julia's work if he carried on the same black and white palette and remain pure in his geometry of linear lines and rectangular shapes. Julia's work is a ghost of Donald Judd and Frank Stella. She carries on their tradition and I almost prefer her work to her fore bears, the masters of minimalist. Judd's work is sometimes too pure, dare I say boring, where as Julia's work allows a range of visual games to engage the viewers. Her work recalls another minimalist, AnnTruitt. Not long ago, I saw Truitt's column piece at the Portland Art Museum'sDisquieted show. It is a column, an extended cube. In height, it is about the size of a woman. It is perfectly executed, like Julia's work. However, Julia's vertical pieces pales in comparison. If only Truitt's column were black, they would belong in the show as a mother watching over her children, Julia's child, playing quietly, sneakily protruding from each other on the wall and on the floor.
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