Monday, April 12, 2010


Because I'm taking math this term and also graphic design class, I wanted to post some stuff about Mathematician who are also artist / designers:

Simon Page: Mathematician / Graphic designer. I can see clearly how Simon uses math in his design. With Michael's work, not so much. Maybe it's because Michael is using higher math.
How does your math background influence your designs?

I think maths has  inspired me hugely and influenced more geometric designs than I probably would of created otherwise. I also think a lot of artists, like myself, subliminally
use mathematics in their creations - such as the golden ratio for creating eye
candy layout designs.  I find it very satisfying getting mathematically
correct proportions when designing something like a logo, for example. But for
me the main connection between math and design is pure and simple, it’s
geometry. The golden ratio is probably one of the most popular examples of math
and design coming together but look back at the works of Leonardo Da Vinci, for
instance, he used mathematics all the time in his art. I also believe some of
the best designers work with math, in a number of aspects, even though they
probably do it completely subconsciously.
for the rest of the interview is here.

Michael Schultheis is an artist represented by Portland gallery Aguen:

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